Drenthe has an extensive and well connected network of bicycle paths (approximately 2,100 kilometres), for both recreational cycling and cycling to school, work and other destinations.

Improvement infrastructure cycling network

The Province of Drenthe is improving the quality of this network in 2 ways:

  1.  Achieving an excellent quality of the bicycle paths and the network.
  2.  Increasing the attractiveness for cyclists by improving the cycling experience, facilities and services

To achieve this, the province is investing a total of € 6.75 million mainly in the form of co-financing for initiatives of third parties, such as entrepreneurs, municipalities and landowners. These projects are selected on the basis of requests made after active information, stimulation and linking of these initiatives.


  • A high-quality and future-proof Drenthe-wide 5-star cycling network; both technically and in terms of attractiveness. There are bicycle paths, tracks and routes for various cyclists (city bike, touring bike, e-bike, MTB, racing bike).
  • High-quality bicycle facilities, facilities, services, hospitality and experience.
  • Dynamic and distinctive icons: attractions for experience and discovery.
  • Innovation



  • Increase in expenditure and employment, especially for the leisure economy.
  • Increased bicycle mobility with positive effects on health, sustainability, accessibility and social connection
  • In line with the objectives of the Dutch and European governments
  • Public and marketing value for Drenthe as ‘The Cycling Province’, for residents, entrepreneurs, municipalities and social associations.


Timeline infrastructure:

  • Development of the policy framework ‘Quality improvement’: June 2016
  • Development of subsidy scheme: autumn 2016
  • Submission of projects by partners: End 2016 to 31 December 2019



  • Municipalities
  • Landscape companies
  • Recreatieschap Drenthe
  • Marketing Drenthe
  • Drenthe Beweegt
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Cycling organisations


Examples of achieved results:

  • Received 5-star status from the National Bicycle Platform and the highest score in the ANWB (Dutch automobile association) survey.
  • Drawing up the mountain bike vision and implementation agenda for Drenthe.
  • New and improved MTB routes and paved cycle paths.
  • Downloadable routes, especially for cyclists.
  • Improved network of cycling hubs with nature, culture, adventure, catering and sights.
  • Development of a plan for the VAM-berg bike park

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